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Prepare your writing-intensive immigration cases with CaseBlink AI




CaseBlink provides AI automation for writing-intensive cases by organizing and summarizing evidence, preparing exhibit lists, drafting high-quality support letters and legal briefs, and combining your exhibits into a single PDF ready for filing.

Supported workflows:

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Trusted by top immigration law firms

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Backed by leading investors

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Fast and intuitive

End-to-end case preparation


Intelligent intake and document upload

Upload documents onto CaseBlink's AI-powered platform. Let CaseBlink do all the work, sorting through information and organizing everything for your case. Effortlessly shuffle and bundle documents to prepare your exhibit list.

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Evidence summarization

Generate tailored summarizations of the evidence, and extract key information from documents to help prepare the case.

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Legal Research

Perform advanced legal research with CaseBlink's Auto Gen: Salary benchmark research, Google citations, area of expertise, executive orders, and much more.

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Quality Drafting

Generate high quality expert letters, legal briefs, support letters, and exhibit lists. Export documents to Microsoft Word.

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Packet Assembly

Effortlessly assemble the final packet with organized exhibit tabs ready for submission.

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Everything you need to prepare a case

Generate forms, letters, legal briefs, and evidence lists using advanced AI automation. 

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Expert letter drafting

Generate draft recommendation and expert letters to be customized by the writer.

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Legal Brief

Craft a structured legal brief.

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Cover letter

Quickly generate a draft cover letter with the option to customize to your law firm’s writing style.

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Evidence organization

Organize, sort, and tag documents. Customize based on each case.

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Evidence summarization

Instantly summarize evidence into concise and relevant information.

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Exhibit list

Create a final exhibit list.


The power of Agentic AI

We leverage our expertise in Machine Learning and Immigration Law to revolutionize your practice.

The old way

  • Group 108 Manually deciphering and extracting information from hundreds of pages
  • Group 108 Time-consuming case specific research
  • Group 108 Drafting from scractch

The CaseBlink way

  • Group 108-2 Automated document understanding and data extraction
  • Group 108-2 Automated case research
  • Group 108-2 Tailored drafting

Trusted by immigration professionals across the country



"I'm thoroughly impressed by CaseBlink and its capabilities. The documents it produces are of impeccable quality, and we've already had approved cases. It's user-friendly, and the team is highly responsive. I recommend CaseBlink to any attorney handling O-1A, NIW, and EB-1A cases. The greatest benefit is the time saved, which can be redirected towards case strategy, client communication, and overall case preparation."

"My team and I have been loving using CaseBlink for our NIW and O-1A applications. The time saved and reduction in headaches thanks to this software are invaluable. I really appreciate the peace of mind knowing that our application is well-organized and presented with a clear explanation of evidentiary significance to USCIS. The software helps eliminate our most common human errors like wrong explanations, spelling issues, and template problems. I wholeheartedly recommend CaseBlink to fellow EB immigration attorneys."

"I recently started using CaseBlink for NIW cases and I am very happy with the results so far. Their AI is remarkably good at generating recommendation letters for research-based NIWs. It has reduced the amount of time I have to spend on drafting and lets me focus more on customer service and developing a compelling narrative for USCIS. I look forward to trying their services for other case types as well."



"CaseBlink found me as I was ready to take on my first EB2 NIW case and it has been an incredible asset in that process. As a solo practitioner, it has been a daunting task to corral all the resources needed to make a compelling EB2 case, which the platform is able to do in an easy to understand and customizable manner. The help provided from the team at CaseBlink not only cut down the labor time for me, but their ongoing feedback and support has really helped my practice in making its first EB2 case. I am very grateful for having found this platform and am looking forward to making O-1 petitions with it too."

"The features and power of CaseBlink have been astounding and I have already found it to be a powerful tool!"

"I am very impressed. It saved me significant time and reduced my own stress level with the filing. I am so glad I found you!"




Immigration lawyers love CaseBlink

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“Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam diam neque, facilisis non iaculis et, porta nec risus. ”

“Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam diam neque, facilisis non iaculis et, porta nec risus. ”


By the Numbers: Unveiling CaseBlink's True Impact

Accelerate immigration processes, save time, and achieve success with CaseBlink.


Law firms trust CaseBlink


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Law firms trust CaseBlink


We take security seriously

We come from a healthcare technology background, where personal data protection is of the utmost importance. At CaseBlink we are transferring this knowledge to protect our users.

We adhere to a strict zero data retention policy with any API provider, ensuring that data processed by CaseBlink is not used beyond the duration for operation.

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Simple and flexible pricing

Flexible pricing options to fit to your firm's practice needs. We understand that volume may vary throughout the year so we offer per-case rates, with bulk rate discounts and custom enterprise options.


Resources and Insights for Immigration attorneys

How to Talk to Your Clients About Gen AI


International Entrepreneur Rule (IER): A Revitalized Option for Entrepreneurs


In a Groundbreaking Decision, the U.S. Supreme Court Overturns the Longstanding “Chevron” Precedent


Need Help?


Learn more about CaseBlink's AI software and our immigration solutions.

How does CaseBlink work?

CaseBlink provides an intuitive AI-powered platform that streamlines legal workflows for immigration cases through document understanding, legal research, and tailored drafting. We uniquely provide end-to-end solutions for writing intensive immigration cases.

Will CaseBlink expand to other visa workflows?

Yes! We are continuously expanding to other immigration categories, starting with writing-intensive employment based visas.

Can we tailor the drafts to our law firm’s style and format?

We offer customization solutions to fit your law firm’s writing and formatting styles through enterprise solutions. Contact us to learn more about this option.